A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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In today’s rush, we all think too much—seek too much—want too much—and forget about the joy of just being.

Eckhart Tolle


Let’s talk about how to incorporate moments of joy into our everyday lives no matter how busy we are or how busy we feel. Here are some of my favorite tips-


  1. Do something just for FUN!-- Blow some bubbles, watch a fun movie that you loved from childhood, dance to a fun song, cook your favorite meal. 
  2. Take time for yourself-- this could be 15 minutes at the end of the day to sit and read or journal, 10 minutes in the morning to do a guided meditation, or even 5 minutes to sit outside in the sunlight during your lunch break. 
  3. Listen to or read something that you’re interested in (topics associated with work or school don’t count for this one!)-- Listen to your favorite podcast on your drive to work, read a fiction book in your favorite genre, or listen to your favorite genre of music!
  4. Create something! Use your favorite medium--paint, clay, fabric, yarn, paper, etc. Make a painting, write a poem, or upcycle something you already have. 
  5. Volunteer for a cause that you believe in-- your local animal shelter, for instance. 
  6. Think back to some of the things that brought you joy in childhood. Don't be afraid to try these things out again!