A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being

Welcome to our Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being column, provided by the Bridging Harts Psychotherapy team. We offer our thoughts and viewpoints on life, family, therapy, and more.

The goal of our column is to be a helpful resource for all. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know by emailing [Please enable JavaScript to view this email address].

Thanks for reading!
– The Bridging Harts Therapy Team

Are you having trouble sleeping because your mind can’t stop thinking? Is it when you first go to bed or is it when you wake up in the middle of the night?  You know you need to get to sleep but anxiety about the upcoming day or a past event starts creeping in.  You keep looking at the clock and...

Have you had enough of family togetherness?  Is this COVID-19 time causing closer quarters and more fighting with your partner?  Are you getting on each other’s nerves more than usual?  Are those right/wrong arguments frustrating?  Why doesn’t she or he get it that they need to act differently? ...

Do you ever feel like you can’t stop thinking?  Your mind keeps obsessing about something over and over.  You might not be able to go to sleep.  You wake up in the middle of the night and can’t stop thinking.  Maybe you keep rethinking a conversation and wish you’d said something different.  You...

Will life ever be the same again after COVID-19?  Has the change in society made life a little strange?  It’s just different than it was before.  Some things might be better, such as being able to work at home.  A shorter commute time is phenomenal:  from the kitchen to your home office.  But the...

During these uncertain and stressful times, it is important to create a space of comfort and relaxation.  Look around your house, porch, or deck to decide where that will be.  It could be a section of a room in your apartment.  What do you like to do?  Are you a crafty person or maybe a bird...

Interested in couples counseling?  Do you fight with each other and no one wins?  Do you get tired of the struggle?  Are you loaded with pain and frustration?  Does one of you stop talking to the other one after trying to resolve the conflict?  Is your relationship having major problems or do you...

Do you find yourself continuing to repeat negative patterns over and over?  It could be negative thoughts in your head.  You again and again pick out the wrong type of person for friendship or dating.  You might be disappointed in yourself and never seem to measure up to your expectations.  Maybe...

Transitions...Life is filled with transitions. Job change, relocation, death of a friend or relative, divorce or separating from your partner, loss of a pet, becoming an empty nester as the kids leave home, and the loss or illness of a baby or child are just a few examples of life transitions....