A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

Face-to-Face and Online Sessions are available! Call us at (972) 562-5002 to schedule an appointment.

I am a strong believer that each and every one of us needs at least one physical coping skill to help us in times of stress, overwhelm, or when we’re feeling tension. 


Exercise is a physical coping skill that can be extremely helpful for lowering our stress level, but what about when we either don’t have the time that day or need a quick skill to try at work, at school, or just before bedtime?


My favorite physical coping skill can take as little as two minutes and helps slow your heart rate, slow your breathing, and relax your body. It’s called 4-7-8 Breathing. You can start with doing this breathing technique for 2 minutes and increase up to 5 minutes multiple times a day. Give it a try and see the benefits from only a few short minutes spent.