A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

Face-to-Face and Online Sessions are available! Call us at (972) 562-5002 to schedule an appointment.

As I was scrolling through social media today, my feed was filled with a range of different post. Some posts were celebratory, some sad, same mad, some silly, and some full of knowledge. It was easy for me to get sucked in and scroll for an hour, and then I thought, “how did this help me?”. While social media can be a platform where we can find cyber bullying, comparison, and a lot of hurt; it can also be a place for knowledge, acceptance, and growth.


Social media can often be what you put into it. If you follow accounts that will lead you to compare yourself to them, that will most likely be hurtful to your self-esteem. However, if you follow accounts that are focused on lifting you up, well, you will likely get exactly that. The post you surround yourself with influence you just as much as people these days, so here is a list of a few Instagram accounts that will help boost positivity and mental health awareness while you are scrolling!











The simplicity of hitting a follow button can drastically change your outlook on life in a positive, or negative, way. It is your choice how you choose to see the world, and I hope I can help you choose a more beautiful world to see.