A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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7 Tips for Mental Health Spring Cleaning

  1. Let go of something holding onto you.

Releasing something that is binding you to the past can allow for freedom and a new beginning.

  1. Clean!

Pick one thing to tidy up in your everyday life. It will give you a sense of control and accomplishment!

  1. Do something new this month.

Changing your pace and discovering new things can open new areas for you to thrive or new hobbies you were never aware of.

  1. Make gratitude a priority.

Every day, write something that you are grateful for. Doing this can open your eyes to the little things in your life that may be big.

  1. Challenge your perspective.

Being stuck in the same routine and mindset can be dangerous in not challenging your views and learning more. Knowledge is always good and can help you understand other perspectives.

  1. Go outside!

Something beautiful about spring is the sun is beginning to shine and the warm weather is starting to tease you with summer activities. In Texas, we very often get pretty days that aren’t too hot or cold. So, embrace those few days we do get. Go for a walk, sit in the sun, or eat dinner outside. Anything can be fun!

  1. Check on your sleep schedule.

Sleep is important and crucial to your everyday life. Check in with yourself and see if you need more sleep or rest and figure out how to help yourself with that.


These 7 tips may not be as easy as they seem. Talk to your counselor, or reach out to us, and we can start this journey together!